Friends of Mother's Day Out is a group of people interested in supporting the Mother's Day Out program at First Presbyterian Church. It is open to all who are interested in providing the occasional boost MDO needs such as making sure the classroom stays up-to-date, safe, and adequately supplied.
The group is open to mothers of children currently in the program, "alumni" mothers, and anyone who wants to support this wonderful program. MDO is run as a ministry on a "shoestring" so quality Christian childcare is available to our community at the lowest possible cost. As a community outreach ministry, First Presbyterian Church provides MDO with building facilities, furnishings, and utilities.
Friends of MDO is committed to filling in the gaps by providing supplies, teacher appreciation, and the support needed to give MDO children the best possible experience.
We communicate news and needs to all "friends" via emails, & phone calls as needed. We will also have an occasional event to acknowledge & celebrate. Examples of teacher appreciation include luncheons, Christmas gifts & end of the school year gifts.
If you would like to be a Friend of MDO, please fill out the form below or you can stop by
Brenda Tarter's office, the main church office, and or your child's teacher and request a paper form to fill out and return to one of the people listed above.