Christmas Benevolence Program

For many years our church has been blessed with funds to provide Christmas gifts for people in our community.  The program has been managed several different ways through the years.  The consistent factor is that our church members have done the “leg work” with the families that receive assistance through the program. 


Currently, we contact the school counselors and ask for their assistance in identifying families that need assistance.  The counselors contact the families to determine their willingness to participate.  The families are matched with church members who contact the family and determine their needs.   Usually the parents and the church members shop together, using the donated funds, so the children will be surprised with gifts on Christmas morning.  We provide a Bible for each family and our members are encouraged to pray with the family as they work together.  Each family also receives a $100 Brookshire gift card to purchase a special meal for Christmas.  


Each year we hear stories of the blessing these families are to our church members.  Friendships are made and true joy of Christmas, being as Christ to others, enhances the lives of our members. 

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