Opportunities to Serve
There are a variety of opportunities available here at FPC-Athens for you to use your gifts and talents to serve the LORD.
Greeters/ushers/liturgists are needed for both Worship Services. We would like to have enough volunteers so that everyone only needs to be available once every 2-3 months. These jobs do not require a lot of effort or training, but will enhance your worship experience, by getting to know other church members.
Please contact the church office at 903-675-3530 or via email at secretary@fpcathens.com, if you are interested or need more information about the duties.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion is served at FPC-Athens, on the first Sunday of each month. We have special Communion Services on Maundy Thursday, during Holy week, and on World Communion Sunday-the first Sunday in October. The final Communion service of the year is at the late service on Christmas Eve. There are specific instructions to assist you with preparing Communion.
Please contact the church office at 903-675-3530 or via email at secretary@fpcathens.com.